Thursday, 25 September 2014

Front Cover Construction

This is the front cover of Rumour my college magazine. The colour that I used for the masthead is also used in some of the coverlines. I wanted to create synergy between the colours to tie it all together. The bright pinky/peach colour I used is the same colour as the pink flowers on her skirt. I again thought this would tie it all together. I put the barcode in the bottom right hand corner because that is where most barcodes are so it wouldn't be different and it would be easy to find. I kept Demi's name as Demi for the magazine because I thought it wasn't a common name, it was quite catchy and it looks physically good on the cover in big letters.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

College Magazine Photoshoot 1

               This one is sweet, but I don't think it            I think I am going to use this one for
                would be right for the front cover                my front cover because she is smiling,
                because it isn't the right shot.                       showing she is enjoying her time at
                                                                                      the college.

               This photo is similar to the last but it            I like this on but I think it could've
                is more serious, I want my cover to              been more direct into the camera.
                be happy.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Front Cover Flatplan

This is the flatplan for my front cover. When I start constructing it this will be my initial plan for the layout. I am hoping it will work well, but I might end up making changes if I don't like the layout.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Reader Profile

This is my reader profile. This is everything that students my age could like and my results and statistics at the bottom

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Questionaire Results - Pie Charts

These are the results from my questionaire. The charts I chose to do were ones that had the most popular answers and quite interseting proportions and percentages.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

College Magazine Questionnaire

1. What's your gender?
  • Male
  • Female
2. How old are you?
  • 16-18
  • 19-21
  • 22+
3. What attracts you to buying a magazine?

4. What types of articles would you like to see in the magazine?

5. What is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for it?
  • Free
  • 10p
  • 20p
  • 30p
  • 40p
  • 50p+
6. Would you like a wide range of colours? Why? What colours appeal to you the most?

7. Please rate in order of 1-5 what you would like to see featured the most.
  • College work and tips to help with homework
  • Help with finding a career
  • Newest technologies, film/music reviews
  • Holiday destinations and fun places to visit during the holidays.
  • College events
  • Other (Please specify what)
8.     What type of language do you think it should use?
  • Formal
  • Chatty/talkative
  • Mixture of the two
  • Any suggestions:
9.     How often do you buy magazines?
  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
10.    Why do you read magazines? (Tick all that are relevant)
  • To be informed
  • Entertained
  • Social reasons
  • To follow celebrities
  • It is specific to a hobby of yours
  • All of the above
  • Other (Please specify)

Thursday, 11 September 2014

What is a magazine?

A magazine is a publication, usually periodical publications that are printed or published electronically (online magazines). There are many different types of magazines that appeal to different target audiences; music, fashion, cars, teen, children, girl, boys, etc. There is usually more than one magazine targeting the same audience. This is to give the audience choice for their specific needs/interests. Every person has their own personal opinion and likes/dislikes, so everyone has a wide choice of magazines to match their interests. Stereotypical girls like fashion magazines like Glamour, Company, Look, Vogue, etc. But some, for example like music magazines. Younger girls generally have a much wider choice for magazines than anybody because they have magazines such as; Teen Vogue, Mizz, Bliss, Shout, Sugar and Seventeen.
All magazines look out for ways they can have a unique selling point to stand out from other magazines. Whether it`s having a QR code to download a song, link you to a website, etc, or just something more simple like having more than one target audience to get more sales.
Every magazine has a house style in which throughout the magazine they have the same font and colour scheme. It also makes sure spelling, capital letters, punctuation and italics are all the same and correct. It is not to make the magazine seem as if it is all written by the same person. The whole point of house style is for consistency, it is not noticed by the audience but it is noticeable for the writers.
Ever issue of a magazine has a specific colour scheme. This colour scheme is then spread throughout the magazine. This is called synergy. It ties the magazine together and makes it more appealing because it doesn't have every colour of the rainbow on it, which can sometimes put people off it. Having minimal colours throughout the magazine makes it classier and look more professional. Some magazines keep the masthead the same colour for every issue to keep it recognisable. But most magazines change the colour of the masthead to match the colour scheme, so it isn`t always the same, there is change and a `new` quality to it.